Playwright Fixtures

πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’Ό Uh oh, we've got an issue! Kellie's πŸ§β€β™‚οΈ added a comment you can uncomment to throw an error in our test. If you run the test, it fails as expected, but the user we inserted into the database will still be there! That's because we're cleaning up at the end of the test, but our test never manages to get that far.
We need more sophisticated setup and teardown. We need fixtures!
As a reminder, here's the full fixture we showed at the start of this exercise you can use as an example as you build out your insertNewUser fixture:
const test = base.extend<{
	getOnboardingData(): {
		username: string
		name: string
		email: string
		password: string
	getOnboardingData: async ({}, use) => {
		const userData = createUser()
		await use(() => {
			const onboardingData = {
				password: faker.internet.password(),
			return onboardingData
		await prisma.user.deleteMany({ where: { username: userData.username } })
Good luck!
npx playwright test --ui